Sunday, October 20, 2013

Biologi EBTANAS Tahun 1987

Biologi sebagai salah satu ilmu pengetahuan alam mempelajari pertukaran, perubahan materi dan energi pada
setiap organisme yang berhubungan erat dengan …
A. ilmu kimia dan fisika
B. ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya
C. ilmu matematika
D. ilmu ekonomi
E. ilmu geografi dan antropologi
Selaput plasma berfungsi …
A. pengatur transportasi dari sel yang satu ke sel yang lain
B. tempat pembentukan amilum
C. tempat penyimpanan sisia-sisa metabolisme
D. sebagai tempat berlangsungnya respirasi sel
E. sebagai tempat pembuatan plastida
Komponen ekosistem yang mengandung energi adalah …
A. air, udara, tanah, iklim
B. air, udara, tanah, mikroba
C. cahaya, suhu, tanah, iklim
D. mikroba, air, udara, tanah
E. mikroba, tumbuhan, manusia, organisme
Jaringan embrional pada hewan dalam perkembangannya mengalami spesialisasi yang artinya mengalami …
A. perubahan-perubahan sel menjadi organ
B. organ yang tugasnya spesial atau khusus
C. perubahan bentuk sel yang disesuaikan dengan fungsi
D. perubahan beberapa organ dalam membentuk
sistem organ
E. perubahan vokum sel
Tumbuhan di bawah ini yang antropokori pada umumnya adalah …
A. pandan
B. mentimun
C. rumput teki
D. gadung
E. irut
Disepanjang pantai kita lihat usaha pohon bakau untuk mendapatkan oksigen dari udara dengan suatu gerak
akar …
A. geotropi positif
B. geotropi negatif
C. fototropi positif
D. fototropi negatif
E. heliotropi
Bagi seorang yang menderita diabetes melitus perlu insulin disuntikkan ke dalam tubuhnya setiap hari
seumur hidup. Hal ini disebabkan …
A. insulin yang dihasilkan tubuh tidak sempurna
B. insulin tidak dapat diserap oleh epithel usus
C. produksi insulin tidak cukup
D. insulin tidak dapat bercampur dengan makanan
E. saluran dari pulau langerhans tersumbat
Individu yang bergenotip Aa Bb Cc akan membentuk macam gamet sebanyak …
A. 2 macam
B. 4 macam
C. 6 macam
D. 8 macam
E. 10 macam
Kromosom yang membawa sifat menurun dari organisme terdapat dalam …
A. sitoplasma
B. nuleus
C. nukleolus
D. plastida
E. mitokondria
Sifat yang nampak pada suatu organisme, pada dasarnya …
A. secara langsung ditentukan oleh kromosom
B. secara tidak langsung ditentukan oleh gen
C. secara langsung ditentukan oleh gen
D. secara langsung ditentukan oleh pasangan alela
E. ditentukan oleh kombinasi kromosom
Pindah silang terjadi antara kromatid dari kromosom homolognya. Hal ini sering terjadi pada fase …
A. profase akhir
B. metafase
C. anafase
D. telofase
E. interfase
Mutasi yang terjadi pada sel-sel gamet diwariskan kepada keturunannya. Mutasi yang demikian disebut …
A. mutasi spontan (alamiah)
B. mutasi buatan (induksi)
C. mutasi gamet
D. mutasi somatis
E. mutasi kromosom
Semakin besar keanekaragaman makhluk hidup satu spesies maka akan berakibat …
A. semakin menguntungkan kelangsungan hidup spesies tersebut
B. semakin merugikan kelangsungan hidup spesies tersebut
C. tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelangsungan hidup spesies tersebut
D. kadang-kadang menguntungkan, kadang-kadang merugikan kehidupan spesies tersebut
E. semakin menguntungkan spasies lain
Alat-alat tubuh pada hewan di bawah ini bersifat homolog kecuali …
A. tungkai depan katak, selaput terbang kalong, sirip paus
B. sayap burung, selaput terbang kalong, tangan manusia
C. tungkai depan kucing, selaput terbang cecak, sayap burung
D. sirip paus, tungkai depan kayak, selaput terbang kalong
E. sirip paus, tangan manusia, tungkai depan kadal
Manakah yang merupakan urutan suksesi yang benar pada manusia ?
A. Neanderthal – Cro-Magnon – Sinanthropus
B. Neanderthal – Sinanthropus – Pithecantropus
C. Cro-Magnon – Neanderthal – Sinanthropus
D. Pithecantropus – Neanderthal – Sinanthropus
E. Sinanthropus – Pithecantropus
Apabila kita mengamati preparat sel hidup di bawah mikroskop kita akan menyimpulkan bahwa sel tersebut
tumbuh-tumbuhan bila diketemukan bagian sel kecuali …
A. vakuola
B. nukleus
C. kloroplas
D. sentriol
E. kromoplas
Sebuah tanaman dalam pot yang diletakkan horizontal, kemudian akan terlihat batangnya tumbuh membelok
ke atas. Tetapi jika pot itu dengan kedudukan horizontal tadi diletakkan pada alat yang berputar, maka
batang tetap horizontal. Faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut karena putaran tadi …
A. meniadakan pengaruh cahaya matahari
B. meniadakan gaya gravitasi
C. meniadakan rangsangan dari dalam tanaman itu sendiri
D. meniadakan gerak geotropi
E. meniadakan gerak higroskopis
Tabung A dan B masing-masing diisi dengan larutan nasi, kemudian pada tabung A dan B luga ditambahkan
air liur, khusus tabung A ditambahkan air jeruk. Selanjutnya kepada masing-masing tabung diteteskan
Fehling A dan Fehling B kemudian dipanaskan. Dari hasil pengamatan tabung B menunjukkan warna
merah bata dan tabung A tidak menunjukkan perubahan warna.
Dari keadaan ini dapat diduga …
A. ptialin tidak bekerja pada situasi asam
B. ptialin dapat berfungsi pada situasi asam
C. ptialin tidak berfungsi pada situasi asam
D. ptialin baru berfungsi setelah dipanaskan
E. ptialin dapat merubah maltosa menjadi glukosa
Dua bidang perladangan yang satu bekas ditumbuhi kacang-kacangan (Leguminosa) sedang yang satu lagi
bekas ditumbuhi alang-alang (Imperata cylindris). Ternyata setelah dipergunakan sebagai perladangan
pada perladangan pertama (bekas ditumbuhi kacangkacangan) tanaman tumbuh subur dan pada perladangan
kedua (bekas ditumbuhi alang-alang) tanaman kerdil.
Setelah diteliti penyababnya adalah …
A. ladang pertama sudah agak lama ditinggalkan
B. ladang kedua sudah agak lama ditinggalkan
C. ladang kedua banyak mengandung nitrat
D. ladang pertama banyak mengandung nitrat
E. ladang kedua sama sekali tidak mengandung nitrat
Jika kita tidur di daerah hutan pada waktu malam terasa bahwa udara malam tidak sesegar udara siang
hari. Pada pagi hari ditemukan salah satu rekan dalam keadaan lemas.
Kejadian ini disebabkan pada malam hari …
A. kadar CO2 bertambah, sedangkan kadar O2 berkurang
B. kadar O2 dan CO2 bertambah
C. kadar O2 dan CO2 berkurang
D. kadar CO2 berkurang, sedangkan kadar O2 bertambah
E. kadar CO2 bertambah, sedangkan kadar O2 tetap
Pada gambar di bawah ini adalah proses pembelahan sel …
A. spermatogenesis
B. oogenesis
C. mitosis
D. amitosis
E. miosis
Respirasi pada manusia memerlukan oksigen bebas. Hubungan antara volume paru-paru dengan oksigen di
udara dapat ditunjukkan pada diagram di bawah ini …
Jika nomor 1 mempunyai golongan darah A (IA IO) maka nomor 2 harus mempunyai gen-gen …
C. IB Io
D. IA Io
E. Io IO
Di bawah ini adalah sepotong molekul ADN yang belum lengkap pasangan basanya.
Basa-basa nitrogen pada yang diberi nomor adalah …
A. G U A S
B. A T A T
C. G T A S
D. A T U S
E. G U A T
Hubungan antara suhu dan luas daerah penghijaun dipaparkan pada grafik …
A. Suhu Luas daerah penghijauan
B. Suhu Luas daerah penghijauan
C. Suhu Luas daerah penghijauan
D. Suhu Luas daerah penghijauan
E. Suhu Luas daerah penghijauan
Dengan menggunakan sumber listrik bertegangan tinggi Stanley Miller berhasil membentuk asam amino
dari campuran uap air, amonia, metana dan gas hidrogen
Asam amino merupakan bahan dasar organisme sesuai teori H. Urey.
Seorang buruh tani yang sehari-harinya bekerja di sawah, tidak memerlukan tambahan vitamin D dalam
Sinar matahari merupakan sumber vitamin D yang terbesar.
Bakteri pembusuk sangat berguna dalam pembentukan kembali abiotis.
Bakteri pembusuk dapat menghancurkan bangkaibangkai organisme.
Cacing Ancylostoma doudenale dapat mengakibatkan anemia pada penderitanya.
Cacing Ancylostoma doudenale menghisap darah dari dinding usus penderita, dan darah selalu keluar dari
luka usus tanpa membeku.
Air dan garam mineral masuk ke dalam sel tanaman dengan jalan osmosis.
Osmosis adalah perembesan cairan yang lebih tinggi ksentrasinya ke cairan yang lebih rendah konsentrasinya.
Apabila si Ali bergolongan darah Rh– mendapat transfusi dari golongan darah Rh+ akan menimbulkan
Sebelum diadakan transfusi pada darah si Ali, golongan darahnya belum mempunyai antirhesus.
Berdasarkan jaringjaring makanan di atas ini, maka ikan-ikan lain (lebih besar) merupakan sumber makanan bagi ikan hiu dan paus buas saja.
Ikan hiu dan paus masing-masing merupakan konsumen tingkat kedua dan ketiga
Untuk menghindarkan kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh dampak negatif aktivitas manusia
diperlukan waktu yang panjang.
Hakikat manusia adalah egosentris.
Sinar radioaktif dapat digunakan untuk menyembuhkan kanker tahap dini.
Sinar itu dapat mengaktifkan tubuh membentuk zat penolak kanker.
“Lambat laun manusia membinasakan lingkungannya sendiri”.
Pernyataan ini tak perlu menjadikan kita putus asa.
Manusia dengan kecerdasannya bisa menciptakan pesawat ulang alik dan dapat mendarat di bulan.
Kehidupan bersama antara dua makhluk hidup dapat terjadi parasitisme, komensalisme dan mutualisme.
Kehidupan mutualisme terjadi bila …
(1) makhluk hidup yang satu mendapat keuntungan dari mahkluk hidup yang lain
(2) makhluk hidup yang satu tidak mendapat keuntungan dari mahkluk hidup yang lain
(3) makhluk hidup yang satu menderita kerugian dari mahkluk hidup yang lain
(4) kedua makhluk hidup sama-sama mendapat keuntungan
Pembuangan sampah-sampah organik dan kotoran manusia yang berlebihan ke dalam sungai menyebabkan

(1) terganggu aliran sungai tersebut
(2) terjadinya pembusukan yang hebat sehingga air sungai tersebut kekurangan O2
(3) terganggunya makhluk-makhluk hidup yang berada didalamnya
(4) suburnya peranan tersebut untuk ikan-ikan yang hidup di dalamnya
Suatu makhluk hidup bersel tunggal, tidak berkhloroplas, dapat membuat makanan sendiri dan bila
lingkungannya tidak sesuai dapat membuat endospora. Didasarkan atas sifat tersebut, kita dapat menarik
kesimpulan bahwa mahkluk hidup tadi …
(1) bakteri ungu
(2) alga hijau
(3) bakteri hijau
(4) alga biru
Pada wanita hamil sering mengalami pelebaran pembuluh darah balik yang abnormal pada tungkainya,
yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan. Keadaan ini disebut …
(1) sklerosis
(2) wasir
(3) sianosis
(4) varises
Jawaban manakah yang ada hubungannya dengan pengaruh kekurangan insulin ?
(1) pertumbuhan raksasa
(2) mental terkebelakang
(3) kurangnya kemampuan tonus otot
(4) adanya gula dalam air kencing
Linaria Maroccana ungu Aa Bb disilangkan dengan bunga yang berbunga merah Aa bb dimana gen A adalah
sifat anstosianin dan gen B untuk sifat basa. Pada keturunan F1 akan didapatkan perbandingan fenotip …
(1) 3 warna ungu
(2) 3 warna merah
(3) 2 warna putih
(4) 1 warna putih
Ayah bergolongan darah AB dan ibu bergolongan O, maka golongan darah yang mungkin pada anak-anaknya …
(1) A
(2) AB
(3) B
(4) O
Setiap sel mensintesis protein yang khas dari bahan asam amino yang terdapat dalam sitoplasma. Sintesis
protein berlangsung di ribosom dengan bantuan …
(1) ARNd membawa kode-kode dari ADN
(2) kode genetik dari ADN ditransfer oleh ARNd
(3) ARNt membawa asam amino
(4) kode genetik dari ARNd ditransfer pada ribosom
Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam menentukan jenis-jenis organisme yang terdapat di suatu daerah
pada habitat darat ialah …
(1) keadaan tanah
(2) keadaan lintang
(3) keadaan iklim
(4) keadaan ketinggian
Konservasi hutan yang bertujuan pemeliharaan pengawetan dan pemulihan memberi manfaat bagi
kehidupan manusia karena …
(1) dapat memberi bahan bangunan
(2) meningkatkan kesuburan tanah
(3) sebagai sumber pendapatan penduduk
(4) dapat mencegah erosi
Sebutkan 3 hal yang dapat terjadi sebagai akibat buruk penggundulan hutan !
Apa yang dimaksud dengan sel sebagai kesatuan hereditas ?
Sebutkan tiga bagian dari kulit disertai dengan fungsinya !
Suatu desa berpenduduk 40.000 orang. Setelah diteliti ternyata bahwa yang berdarah Rh+ berjumlah 18 %.
Berapa orang yang bergolongan darah Rh+ homozigot ?
Manusia harus selalu menjaga kelestarian daripada hutan agar tidak rusak. Coba analisa tindakan apa saja
yang dilakukan oleh manusia yang merupakan penyebab kerusakan hutan tersebut ?

Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Nasional Tahun 1986 Bahasa Inggris

Mother warned her ... the newly painted wall.
A. not touched
B. not to touch
C. do not touch
D. not touching
E. not touch
I ... the street when it began to rain.
A. am walking down
B. have walked down
C. have been walking down
D. was walking down
E. would walk down
"When do you plan to get married?"
"After ... school".
A. I finish
B. I finished
C. I am finishing
D. I had finished
E. I have been finished
"I'm sure he will be successful in his job."
"Yes "
A. if he should work hard enough
B. if he works hard enough
C. if he worked hard enough
D. if he work hard enough
E. if he had worked hard enough
"... he would have been eaten half of the cake."
A. If he is hungry
B. Were he hungry
C. If only he was hungry
D. Had he been hungry
E. If he would be hungry
The batik dress mother gave me is old, its colour has faded. Its refers to ...
A. mother
B. batik
C. dress
D. colour
E. me
Which of the following statement is corrects?
" ..."
"Yes; sometimes I do"
A. Do you see ever my uncle?
B. Do you ever see my uncle?
C. Ever do you see my uncle?
D. Do ever see you my uncle?
E. Do see ever you my uncle?
"I could have asked somebody else to carry that box" means ...
A. "I carried the box"
B. "Somebody else carried the box"
C. "I asked someone to carry the box"
D. "I would ask someone to carry the box"
E. "I didn't want to carry the box"
I’m planning to go to a party tonight, but it's raining very hard now. I wish ...
A. it stops
B. it will stop
C. it would stop
D. it has stopped
E. it had stopped
Your sister always gets up late on Sundays, ...?
A. isn't it
B. will she
C. does it
D. should she
E. doesn't she
... a new language can be very interesting.
A. Learn
B. Learned
C. Learning
D. To learning
E. In learning
She went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The underlined words mean ...
A. She actually couldn't solve the problem
B. She ought to know how to solve the problem
C. she definitely knew how to solve the problem
D. She should know how to solve the problem
E. she succeeded in solving the problem
"What did he promised you?"
"... if he wins the lottery"
A. He treats me
B. I treat him
C. To treat me
D. He should treat me
E. That he treats me
"Having covered the typewriter, she turned the light off" means ...
A. "While turning off the light, she covered the typewriter"
B. "She turned the light off when she covered the typewriter"
C. She covered the typewriter, then she turned the light off
D. She turned the light off as she was covering the typewriter"
E. "Since she had turned the light off, she covered the typewriter"
These shoes old, ... comfortable.
A. yet
B. nor
C. while
D. quite
E. whereas
" ..."
"Neither does she"
A. I also sew my own clothes
B. She cannot sew her own clothes
C. Nor do I sew my own clothes
D. I don't sew my own clothes
E. E Does she sew her own clothes?

"... a pity we missed the program."
A. Being
B. It is
C. That is
D. There is
E. What is
The teacher has the children ... to the passage twice.
A. listen
B. listened
C. listening-
D. to listen
E. have listened
"Mahmud had the oil of his car changed yesterday" means ...
A. "He changed the oil of his car"
B. "He had to change the oil of his car"
C. "Someone changed the oil of his car"
D. "He would have changed the oil of his car"
E. "Someone asked Mahmud to changed the oil of his car"
My neighbour is a well ... and very successful businessman.
A. educated
B. education
C. educating
D. educate
E. educative
"I'm sorry for ... you all this trouble,
A. doing
B. making
C. causing
D. creating
E. disturbing

The disappointed man jumped out of the window and committed ...
A. suicide
B. murder
C. death
D. crime
E. sin
He started to make a living right after the death of his father. The underlined word mean ...
A. to work hard
B. to stay alive
C. to get married
D. to earn money
E. to look for a house
He was helped by a very attractive nurse.
The underlined word mean ...
A. nice
B. thoughtful
C. modest
D. friendly
E. pretty
''The boys have been told the good news" Mean ...
A. The good news was .told to the boys
B. Somebody has told the boys the good news
C. The good news has been told by the boys
D. The boys have told the good news '
E. The good news about the boys has been told
"Is the new edition of this book already available?"
A. it is printing
B. it has printed
C. it is being printed
D. it has been printed
E. it was printed
The police ... for the robber for two years before they caught him.
A. had been looking
B. have been looking
C. were being looked
D. had to be looked
E. were looked
"Why were her eyes red?"
"Because ...".
A. she cries
B. she is crying
C. she had been crying
D. she has been crying
E. she has cried
"If I had come earlier, I could have met Bob in person" means ...
A. "I came very early, so that I could meet Bob in person"
B. I came late, so I could not meet Bob in person"
C. "Although I came early, I could not meet Bob in person"
D. "I did not come late, nevertheless, I could not meet Bob in person"
E. I came early, therefore I could not meet Bob in person"
His name is Paul, isn't ...?
A. he
B. his
C. that
D. so
E. it
"He must have been seen me eat the fish" means ...
A. I must eat the fish
B. He must see me eat the fish
C. I'm sure that he saw me eat the fish
D. He could see me eat the fish
E. I conclude that he saw me eat the fish
She missed the train. She ... earlier.
A. should leave
B. must leave
C. must have left
D. should have left
E. should be leaving
"I am sorry I don't know the answer, but I really wish I ..."
A. know
B. knew
C. have known
D. will know
E. had known
"If only his son had studied harder" means ...
A. His son did not study harder
B. His son had studied harder
C. His son has studied harder
D. His son will not study harder
E. His son never studies harder
The dishes we had for lunch were all delicious ...?
A. didn't they
B. hadn't they
C. were they
D. had they
E. weren't they
At new year's eve ... continued until early in the morning.
A. to sing and to dance
B. they sing and dance
C. singing and dancing
D. song and dance
E. they're singing and dancing
I was interested in ... more about your work.
A. learn
B. learning
C. learned
D. learning
E. to learning
He knows only a little English, ... he is to do good business.
A. unless
B. moreover
C. since
D. but
E. therefore
... a sharp axe, he cut down the tree easily.
A. Using
B. To used
C. To using
D. Have used
E. To have used
" ... very kind of you to help me".
A. This is
B. There is
C. It
"What did he promised you?"
(1) If he would be early
(2) If he will be early
(3) Whether he is early
(4) That he would be early
"He was charged Rp 5000,00,- for that book" means ...
(1) "the book cost Rp 5000,00,-"
(2) "He had to pay Rp 5000,00,-"
(3) The bookstore had him pay Rp 5000,00,-"
(4) "He was paid Rp 5000,00,-"
"When the farmers were working in the field, they found an ancient tool. Means ...
(1) "The farmers worked in the field; then they found the tool"
(2) "Before the farmers worked in the field, they found the tool"
(3) "The farmers found the tool after they had worked in the field"
(4) "At the time the farmers were working, they found the tool"
"Where did he go first?"
(1) He went to the post office first
(2) He first went to the post office
(3) First he went to the post office
(4) He went to the first post office
"Mother rarely goes to the movies, does she?" means
(1) "She hates movies"
(2) "She doesn't enjoy movies"
(3) "She dislikes movies"
(4) "She often goes to the movies"
"I stopped seeing my girl-friend last week" means ...
(1) "I don't see her anymore"
(2) "I won't see my girl-friend"
(3) "I decided not to see her"
(4) "I haven't seen her since last week"
... what birthday present to buy for my mother, I asked for my friend's help.
(1) Not knowing
(2) Without knowing
(3) As I did not know
(4) Not know
"Indonesia is said to be an agricultural country" means ...
(1) "It is said that Indonesia is an agricultural country"
(2) "They say that Indonesia is an agricultural country"
(3) "It is known that Indonesia is an agricultural country"
(4) People say that Indonesia is an agricultural country"
The student whom I have been introduced to is one of the best athletes in Indonesia. Whom refers to ...
(1) one of the best athletes
(2) Indonesia
(3) the student
(4) the best athletes
My uncle's business is expanding.
The underlined word means ...
(1) changing
(2) increasing in size
(3) moving
(4) growing

Evaluasi Belajar Tahap Akhir Nasional Tahun 1986 Bahasa Indonesia

Kendaraan listrik yang kini muncul dalam lalu lintas jalan raya, banyak diperbincangkan dalam masyarakat yang ingin bebas dari pengotoran udara. Meskipun belum banyak digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, namun mobil yang diperlengkapi dengan tenaga baterai, kini mulai bermunculan. Sementara itu perbaikan terus dilakukan, oleh pabrik baterai dan maskapai pembangkit tenaga listrik yang mencari pasaran baru.

Munculnya model baru mobil listrik pada pameran Motor Intemasional Tokyo 1971 menyebabkan perhatian masyarakat terhadap mobil listrik semakin besar. Rintangan terbesar pada mobil listrik terletak pada bidang berat dan ukuran, Bila kedua masalah itu terpecahkan, maka jenis kendaraan yang bebas suara berisik dan pengotoran gas buangan ini diduga akan menguasai jalan raya dan kota Jepang.

Mobil listrik Jepang pertama adalah model pesiar untuk enam penumpang yang dibuat berdasarkan percobaan di sekolah Menengah Industri Atas di Kobe pada tahun 1924. Mobil itu mempunyai bentuk yang
diperbaharui dari kendaraan bermesin yang digunakan dengan tenaga bensin, Kemudian pada tahun 1929
Panitia Penelitian Mobil Listrik dibentuk dalam lingkungan Perhimpunan Ahli Listrik Jepang dipimpin
oleh Maskapai Pabrik Pesawat Terbang Nakajima.

Peristiwa itu mencerminkan pertumbuhan mobil listrik pada awal tahun 1990-an. Sekalipun pekerjaan diteruskan oleh Maskapai Pabrik Pesawat Terbang Nakajima (kini bergabung dengan Nissan Motor) dan Yuasa Battery Company, tapi barulah pada tahun 1966, mobil listrik menjadi pusat perhatian khalayak ramai, jadi bersamaan waktunya dengan terasanya kebutuhan akan kendaraan yang bebas suara berisik dan pengotoran gas buangan.

Dari buku Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
SMA 1 hal 66 - 67

Jenis mobil yang telah dirakit dan dipasarkan di Indonesia sekarang ini pada umumnya mobil yang menggunakan bahan bakar ...
A. gas bumi
B. listrik
C. minyak bumi
D. batu bara
E. alkohol
Perusahaan yang memimpin mengolah model mobil listrik baru pada awal abad XX adalah ...
A. Pabrik pesawat terbang Nakajima
B. Perusahaan Honda Motor
C. Perusahaan Yuasa Battery
D. Perusahaan Suzuki Motor
E. Perusahaan Kawasaki Motor
Rintangan yang dialami dalam pengembangan mobil listrik adalah ...
A. bahan baku
B. bahan bakar
C. berat dan ukuran
D. kualitas
E. pemasaran
Listrik yang digunakan untuk menggerakkan mobil listrik ini adalah ...
A. listrik tenaga diesel
B. listrik tenaga uap
C. listrik tenaga air
D. listrik tenaga baterai
E. listrik tenaga dinamo
Kemajuan teknologi permobilan masa kini telah berhasil menggunakan selain listrik juga jenis mobil dengan bahan bakar sebagai berikut, kecuali ...
A. minyak bumi
B. gas bumi
C. tenaga listrik
D. alkohol
E. batu bara
Dorongan yang paling utama yang menyebabkan Jepang menciptakan mobil listrik ini adalah ...
A. kebisingan dan polusi udara
B. kesukaran bahan bakar minyak
C. kesukaran suku cadang
D. persaingan teknologi barat
E. hanya sebagai suatu penemuan baru
Di bawah ini adalah pernyataan-pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi wacana di atas, kecuali ...
A. Percobaan mobil listrik yang pertama di Jepang pada tahun 1924
B. Muncul lagi mobil listrik pada Pameran Motor Intemasional 1971 di Jepang
C. Mobil listrik telah dipasarkan untuk pemakaian dalam negeri di Jepang
D. Mobil listrik diciptakan untuk mengganti mobil bahan bakar minyak yang menyebabkan kebisingan dan polusi udara
E. Nakajima adalah sebuah perusahaan pesawat terbang di Jepang
Apabila kelima paragraf wacana di atas dianalisis secara kronologis (urutan waktu) penciptaan mobil listrik akan terlihat urutan tahun yang benar sebagai berikut ...
A. 1971 – 1924 – 1929 – 1966
B. 1971 – 1966 – 1929 – 1924
C. 1924 – 1966 – 1971 – 1929
D. 1924 – 1929 – 1971 – 1966
E. 1924 – 1929 – 1966 – 1971
Konsonan /p/ pada kata 'paham', 'pikir' sering berubah menjadi konsonan /f/. Hal ini disebabkan ...
A. konsonan /f/ adalah nasal, konsonan /p/ adalah bilabial
B. daerah artikulasi kedua konsonan tersebut sama/hampir sama
C. artikulatornya berbeda
D. konsonan /p/ adalah oral sedangkan konsonan / f/ adalah nasal
E. perubahan kedua konsonan tersebut terdapat pada unsur serapan
Yang tertera di bawah ini adalah alat kalimat, kecuali ...
A. urutan kata
B. bentuk kata
C. intonasi dan tanda baca
D. kata tugas
E. makna kata
Kalimat di bawah ini yang mengandung maksud bahwa Hasan orang yang berbudi luhur, adalah kalimat yang
jedanya sebagai berikut ...
A. Menurut cerita ibu // Ratna // Hasan // orang yang berbudi luhur
B. Menurut cerita // ibu Ratna // Hasan // orang yang berbudi luhur
C. Menurut cerita ibu Ratna//Hasan//orang yang berbudi luhur
D. Menurut cerita ibu // Ratna Hasan // orang yang berbudi luhur
E. Menurut cerita // ibu // Ratna // Hasan // orang yang berbudi luhur
Kita harus menurunkan pemain yang baik dalam suatu pertandingan. Kata menurunkan dalam kalimat di atas
berarti ...
A. menyusun suatu permainan
B. menempatkan dalam tim yang akan bertanding
C. mengikutsertakan dalam rombongan
D. mengatur para pemain yang baik
E. pemain yang akan bertanding
(1) Kayu ramin diimpor oleh pedagang-pedagang Singapura dari Kalimantan Barat.
(2) Di sana diolah menjadi perabot rumah tangga
(3) Tentu saja harga sudah 7 atau 8 kali lipat harga di Kalimantan Barat.
(4) Kemudian dikirim ke Jakarta, dan terkenal sebagai kayu jati Singapura.
Susunan paragraf yang baik dari kalimat-kalimat di atas adalah ...
A. (2) – (3) – (1) – (4)
B. (1) – (2) – (4) – (3)
C. (3) – (2) – (1) – (4)
D. (1) – (2) – (3) – (4)
E. (1) – (3) – (4) – (2)
Kewajiban pemimpin diskusi adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ...
A. mempersiapkan garis besar diskusi
B. membuka diskusi dengan mengemukakan rangkuman
C. mengarahkan pembicaraan agar tidak menyimpang dari pokok masalah
D. menjawab semua pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh peserta
E. menyimpulkan sendiri hasil diskusi
Bentuk alur sorot balik digunakan apabila pengarang bermaksud ...
A. membayangkan cerita mendatang
B. menerangkan cerita yang sedang berlaku
C. mengemukakan khayalan
D. cerita masa kini yang disisipi cerita masa lalu
E. menerangkan peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi
Ketika itu bunga-bunga sudah bermunculan. Putih tipis melambai-lambaikan tangan ditiup angin.
Kalimat di atas menggunakan gaya bahasa ...
A. litotes
B. personifikasi
C. hiperbola
D. pleonasme
E. klimaks
1. Kebebasan dan ketertiban itu ibarat dua sisi mata uang.
2. Ia juga menilai, banyak budaya luar yang mempunyai dampak negatif terhadap anak didik saat ini.
3. Ini harus dipegang
4. Dan mengingatkan, kebebasan yang dimiliki remaja masa kini hendaknya diimbangi dengan ketertiban.
5. Dan inilah tugas OSIS, sambung Fuad Hasan.
Kalau kalimat-kalimat di atas dirangkaikan menjadi sebuah paragraf maka susunan yang logis adalah ...
A. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
B. (1), (3), (4), (2), (5)
C. (2), (1), (4), (3), (5)
D. (2), (4), (1), (3), (5)
E. (3), (1), (4), (2), (5)
Fungsi bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa Negara tercantum di dalam ...
A. UUD 1945 Pasal 33
B. UUD 1945 Pasal 34
C. UUD 1945 Pasal 35
D. UUD 1945 Pasal 36
E. UUD 1945 Pasal 37
Kata-kata di bawah ini tidak mengandung vokal rangkap (diftong ai), kecuali ...
A. Ia mengatai tetangganya
B. Ia belum dapat menyamai prestasi nasional
C. Ibu menggulai kambing
D. Kakak menemani adik ke pasar
E. la mempunyai buku baru
me per perjjuuaannggk an kan memperjuangkan. Berdasarkan diagram tersebut, proses pembentukan
kata "memperjuangkan" adalah ...
A. juang – juangkan – memperjuangkan
B. juang – perjuang – perjuangan – memperjuangkan
C. juang – perjuangkan – memperjuangkan
D. juang – memperjuang – memperjuangkan
E. juang – juangkan – memperjuang – memperjuangkan
Kekurangan pupuk merupakan salah satu kendala dalam peningkatan produksi pangan.
Kata kendala dalam kalimat di atas bermakna ...
A. pengaruh
B. sanjungan
C. hambatan
D. perbedaan
E. rancangan
Ungkapan yang mengandung arti mabuk adalah ...
A. naik kuda hijau
B. berdarah putih
C. hitam putihnya
D. berputih mata
E. berputih tulang
Cara pengolahan minyak bekas sama dengan cara pengolahan minyak mentah. Penyaringan minyak bekas memisahkan kotoran-kotoran, destilasi menghilangkan air, sedang asam belerang membuang sisa kotoran. Proses ini dilakukan untuk mengembalikan warna minyak, sedang destilasi ulang membuat minyak seperti minyak baru. Hasilnya tidak berbeda sifatnya dengan minyak murni. Bahkan para pengolah mengatakan bahwa minyak yang sudah digodok dalam motor akan lebih stabil kalau panas.

Pikiran utama di dalam paragraf di atas adalah ...
A. minyak yang sudah digodok dalam motor akan lebih stabil kalau panas.
B. Belerang membuang sisa kotoran pada minyak.
C. Minyak bekas jika disaring sama dengan minyak murni
D. Destilasi ulang membuat minyak bekas sama dengan minyak murni.
E. Persamaan cara pengolahan minyak bekas dan minyak mentah.
Berdasarkan diagram di samping para "panelis duduk di ...

A. A – B
B. A – C
C. C – B
D. B – D
E. D – E
Dalam satu diskusi kita dapat menemukan hal-hal secara berurutan, kecuali ...
A. apa yang menyebabkan timbulnya masalah
B. cara bagaimana memecahkannya
C. apa untung ruginya tiap cara tersebut
D. cara mana yang terbaik kita gunakan
E. apa sesungguhnya masalah itu
Meniti tasbih
Malam pelan-pelan
Dan burung pedasih
Menggaris gelap di kejauhan
Kemudian adalah pesona
Wajah-NYA tersandar ke kaca jendela
Gunawan Muhammad
Sastra Th.IV No. 1, 1964

Masalah yang dibicarakan dalam puisi di atas adalah ...
A. pertemuan manusia dengan sesamanya
B. pertemuan manusia dengan pemerintahnya
C. pertemuan manusia dengan Tuhan
D. pemasrahan diri kepada nasib
E. rasa rendah diri kepada atasan
Karya sastra berbentuk drama di bawah ini yang bertemakan perjuangan bangsa Indonesia melawan
penjajah adalah ...
A. Sandya Kalaning Majapahit
B. Ken Arok dan Ken Dedes
C. Citra
D. Bebasari
E. Malam Jahanam
Karya Chairil Anwar yang mengandung unsur patriotisme pada sajaknya yang berjudul ...
A. Aku
B. Sorga
C. Kerawang - Bekasi
D. Kepada Peminta-minta
E. Senja di Pelabuhan Kecil
Gaya bahasa personifikasi terdapat pada kalimat ...
A. Presiden terbang ke Menado
B. Daun nyiur melambai-lambai
C. Panas terik membakar bumi saat itu
D. Putih rinduku, putih cintaku
E. Tangan terkulai bagai dikoyak
Penggunaan huruf kapital (huruf besar) di dalam kalimat di bawah ini yang sesuai dengan ketentuan ejaan adalah ...
A. Para Ibu di RT mengunjungi Ibu Camat
B. Surat Saudara sudah lama kami terima
C. Kita harus menghormati Bapak dan Ibu sebagai orang tua kita
D. Semua Kakak dan Adik saya sudah berkeluarga
E. Engkau tidak boleh melupakan jasa Paman dan Bibimu
Bahasa Melayu diangkat dan dijunjung tinggi menjadi bahasa persatuan Indonesia disebabkan oleh hal-hal di
bawah ini, kecuali ...
A. Bahasa Melayu adalah Lingua Franca di Nusantara
B. Bahasa Melayu bersifat demokratis
C. Bahasa Melayu tidak mengenal tingkatan
D. Bahasa Melayu merupakan perpaduan dari semua daerah
E. Bahasa Melayu mudah dipelajari
Bunyi sentakan (glotalisasi) yang terdengar di antara dua vokal berurut di bawah ini adalah ...
A. siapa
B. biola
C. diolah
D. laut
E. buat
Kata kompleks di bawah ini menggunakan imbuhan produktif, kecuali ...
A. melestarikan
B. berdampak
C. budiman
D. memasyarakatkan
E. pemeriksa
Kalimat kalimat di bawah ini yang tergolong kalimat aktif transitif ...
A. Siswa itu telah berjanji untuk belajar lebih rajin
B. Siswa itu lulus EBTA SMP empat tahun yang lalu
C. Siswa itu menawarkan jasa baiknya kepada teman sekelasnya
D. Siswa itu gembira dan meloncat-loncat
E. Siswa itu rajin datang ke sekolah
Frase di Istana Negara pada kalimat, "Presiden menjamu tamu negara. Ratu Belanda dan rombongan,
di Istana Negara" berfungsi sebagai …
A. subjek
B. predikat
C. keterangan waktu
D. keterangan tempat
E. keterangan syarat
Diperkirakan abad yang akan datang dunia akan dilanda krisis energi.
"Krisis energi" berarti ...
A. kekurangan bahan bakar
B. kekeringan bahan bakar.
C. keadaan kurang pada salah satu bahan bakar
D. kehabisan bahan bakar
E. penutupan bahan bakar
Cara menyusun paragraf yang baik adalah dengan menggunakan syarat-syarat di bawah ini, kecuali ...
A. dalam satu paragraf hanya memiliki hanya ada pikiran utama
B. satu paragraf hanya memiliki satu kalimat penjelas
C. kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf harus saling berhubungan
D. setiap kalimat dalam paragraf harus membantu menjelaskan pikiran utama
E. dalam paragraf tidak boleh ada kalimat sumbang
Kata "membaca" yang dapat digolongkan ke dalam kata kerja kita jumpai pada kalimat ...
A. Ibu guru senang membacakan sebuah sajak
B. Ibu guru sedang mengajarkan membaca sajak
C. Nilai membaca adikku bagus sekali
D. Keterampilan membaca perlu ditingkatkan
E. Membaca adalah pekerjaan yang mengasyikkan.
Jika Anda akan membuat karangan ilmiah yang temanya menyangkut masalah Lingkungan Hidup,
maka judul yang sesuai untuk karangan Anda adalah ...
A. Pengaruh tata tertib lalu lintas
B. Pengaturan menu makanan sehari-hari yang bergizi
C. Pengaturan jadwal rekreasi keluarga
D. Pelestarian hutan lindung
E. Menggalakkan program imunisasi balita
Bahasa Indonesia yang sekarang ini diangkat dari bahasa Melayu. Bahasa Melayu telah menjadi "lingua
franca" Nusantara sejak berabad-abad. Bahasa Melayu disebarluaskan ke seluruh Nusantara ini terjadi karena ...
A. pengaruh kerajaan Sriwijaya dan perdagangan rempah-rempah
B. pengaruh kerajaan Majapahit dan penyebaran agama Budha
C. pengaruh kerajaan Mataram dan penyebaran agama Islam
D. pengaruh penjajahan Portugis dan Belanda
E. pengaruh kekuasaan Belanda
Kata dunia olah raga dibentuk secara analogi SEBAB Analogi ialah cara pembentukan kata yang mengacu
kepada suatu contoh yang sudah ada sebelumnya.
Kata sukses bila diberi imbuhan me-kan menjadi menyukseskan.
Semua kata asing yang diserap ke dalam bahasa Indonesia harus mengikuti kaidah bahasa Indonesia.
Kalimat yang unsur subjeknya menjadi pelaku perbuatan dan unsur predikatnya menyatakan perbuatan disebut ...
(1) kalimat nominal
(2) kalimat aktif transitif
(3) kalimat pasif
(4) kalimat aktif
Yang tergolong kata kerja transitif dalam deretan kata di bawah ini adalah ...
(1) menari, menangis, menyanyi
(2) menyisiki, menolak, memukul
(3) melamun, berhias, berjemur
(4) mengambil, membawa, mengangkat
Penulisan kata yang sudah dibakukan adalah ...
(1) kongkret
(2) prosentase
(3) silakan
(4) kwalitas
Ibu berkata, " Kau harus pulang besok". Ubahlah kalimat itu menjadi kalimat tidak langsung!
Berdasarkan informasi pengucapan, kalimat dapat dibedakan atas 3 (tiga) jenis. Sebutkan ketiga jenis kalimat itu dan berilah contoh masing-masing satu kalimat!
Sebutkan urut-urutan kerangka sebuah karangan ilmiah!
Salah satu sifat Angkatan 45 adalah radikal revolusioner. Jelaskan dengan singkat sifat itu, khususnya mengenai:
a. bentuk sastra mereka
b. isi dan tema yang ditonjolkan
Sunyi itu duka
Sunyi itu kudus
Sunyi itu lupa
Sunyi itu lampus
a. Siapa pencipta kutipan di atas?
b. Jenis gaya bahasa apa yang digunakan dalam puisi itu?

1. Susunlah sebuah karangan singkat yang berbentuk paparan (eksposisi).
2. Panjang karangan 150 - 200 kata yang tersusun sekurang-kurangnya dalam tiga paragraf.
3. Ditulis rapi
4. Yang dinilai adalah:
a. isi karangan
b. urutan dan hubungan antar paragraf
c. pemakaian bahasa
5. Pilihlah satu judul dari judul-judul di bawah ini untuk dijadikan judul karangan Anda.
(1) Pencemaran Lingkungan Akibat Limbah Industri
(2) Peranan Koperasi Unit Desa dalam Pembangunan Pertanian
(3) Kebudayaan sebagai Sumber Objek Wisata
(4) Pengaruh Positif ABRI Masuk Desa
(5) Manfaat Transmigrasi bagi Petani Penggarap

Friday, October 4, 2013

Soal Try Out UN Bahasa Inggris TA 2009/2010

Soal Try Out UN

DINAS PENDIDIKAN KOTA .........................

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/ tanggal : Selasa,
Waktu : 120 menit

1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai pentunjuk di LJK.
2. Hitamkan bulatan didepan nama mata ujian pada LJK.
3. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 4(empat) dan 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban.
5. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
6. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap.
7. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
8. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika, alat bantu hitung lainnya, kamus atau kamus elektronik.
9. Perikasalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
10. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret.

Part I
Questions 1 to 5
Direction :
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you listen to a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear
Man : Sally, I lost my wallet. May I borrow fifty thousand rupiahs?
Woman : Sure. Here you are.
You will also hear
Narrator : What will the woman do?
You will read in your test book
a. Leave the man alone.
b. Drime the man home.
c. Find the lost wallet.
d. Lend the man money.
e. Borrow the man’s wallet.
The best answer to the question is “ Lend the man money”. Therefore, you should choose answer (d)

1. a. The reason why George was late for the class
b. The reason why George was absent from the class
c. The reason why George missed the bus
d. The reason why the teacher was angry with George
e. The reason why the teacher felt sorry for George
2. a. A shopkeeper and a customer d. A bus driver and a passenger
b. A taxi driver and a passenger e. A guest and a receptionist
c. A stewardess and a pilot
3. a. Because the man did not study the fifth chapter
b. Because the man had not read the fifth chapter
c. Because the man did not know the correct answers
d. Because the man wouldn’t give the wrong answers
e. Because the man knew the right answers
4. a. 5 b. 4 c. 3 d. 2 e. 1

Part II
Question 6 to 10
Directions :
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and a question spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogue and question and the response will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each statement or question.
Now listen to a sample question :
Man : I got a bad result in my test.
Woman : What! You failed again?
Man : …………………………
a. Let me try again.
b. I am fine thank you.
c. Don’t worry. I’ll move.
d. Sorry, I’ve disappointed you.
Narrator : The best answer to the question “You failed again?” is choice D. “Sorry, I’ve disappointed you.” Therefore you should choose answer (D)
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Part III
Questions 11 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
12. a. early in the morning d. at midnight
b. late in the evening e. at noon
c. in the afternoon
13. a. They felt very delighted. d. They felt so satisfied.
b. They felt very frustrated. e. They felt so excited.
c. They felt very relieved.
14. a. He beat the scorpion to death. d. He hit the scorpion with a stone to death.
b. He stomped the scorpion to death. e. He hit the scorpion with a wooden stick.
c. He burned the scorpion in the fire.
15. a. at school. d. under a tree.
b. on the way home e. at the football field
c. in the yard

The following text is for no. 16-17
16. The word take part can be replace with ….
a. participate
b. separate
c. attend
d. invite
e. accept
17. Which of the following statement is true based on the text?
a. The winner will get prize Rp 300.000
b. The runner-up will only get a trophy
c. The exercise’s teacher is Mr. Yusuf Fahri
d. The school will hold the competition free of charge
e. The school teams can apply them to Mr. Juan
The following text is for questions no 18 to 21
18. What is the purpose of the letter?
a. To express sadness
b. To make an appointment
c. To discuss a problem
d. To inform a bad news
e. To complain the misbehaving child
19. How did the writer feel when she wrote a letter?
She felt …
a. Satisfied
b. Annoyed
c. Frustrated
d. Excited
e. Unwell
20. To whom is the letter addressed?
a. Ms. Catherine
b. Sarah
c. Betty Grines
d. a daughter
e. a passenger
21. “…….Please check with them to see if it is covered.” (paragraph 1)
The underlined word has the same meaning as ….
a. Finished
b. Examined
c. Guaranteed
d. Experienced
e. Discussed
Taken from: Kertas Model-English “Longman”
22. What is the advertisement above?
a. A Kanodua Car free gift
b. A Kanodua Car Sale
c. A Kanodua Car Insurance
d. A Kanodua Car Showroom
e. A Kanodua Car Celebration
23. “Go to any Kanodua Showroom and book your car now.” (paragraph 2)
The synonym of the underlined word is ….
a. refuse
b. give
c. accept
d. offer
e. order
24. When does this special offer last?
a. April 20th, 2010
b. April 1st, 2010
c. March 30th, 2010
d. March 1st, 2010
e. April 30th, 2010

Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle died.
He had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by and taking a pity on hermit gave him some “paddy” seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvest if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the “paddy” plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rain came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the “paddy” was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful “paddy”, they flocked to his “paddy” field and took home as much “paddy” as they could.
One day, hermit became so tired of harvesting the “paddy then he shouted,” Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing!” As soon as he had said this, the “paddy” plants turned into weeds.

25. What is the story about?
a. the kind boatman
b. the villagers
c. the magical weeds
d. the old hermit
e. the everlasting harvest
26. What did the boatman give to the hermit?
a. paddy seeds
b. some food
c. paddy plants
d. some weeds
e. fruit tree
27. Why did the paddy plants turn into weeds?
a. The villagers took home as much paddy as they could.
b. The hermit shouted the paddy plants to stop growing.
c. The villagers grew weeds instead of paddy plants.
d. The hermit cut the growing paddy plants.
e. The hermit got angry with the villagers.
28. The main idea of the fifth paragraph is …
a. The first harvest was failed.
b. The hermit should clear the land.
c. It needed a short of time to harvest.
d. The hermit was successful as a farmer.
e. The seeds should be shown before the rain come.
29. What do we learn from the text above?
a. don’t be a greedy man
b. don’t be a beggar
c. don’t be a bad tempered person
d. don’t be a boastful man
e. don’t be a lazy man

JAKARTA: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has received award for political communication from Hong Kong based quarterly magazine Public Affairs Asia, a presidential spokesman said.
Julian Aldrin Pasha told news portal Yudhoyono won the Gold Standard in Political Communications award, beating out Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and charity campaigner Ryan Gawn, the other candidates nominated for the award.
Yudhoyono’s second son Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, who is also a legislator with Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party, accepted the award at a reception in Hong Kong Thursday evening Julian said
Public Affairs Asia said on its website that the award was in recognition of a political, media or campaign figure who had broken new ground in their engagement with stakeholders. – JP

30. The text mainly discusses about……..
a. Yudhoyono accepted award for political communications
b. Democratic Party received award in political communications
c. Edhie Baskoro was in recognition of a political
d. Public Affairs Asia gave Yudhoyono award
e. Ryan Gawn was candidates nominated for the award.
31. Why did Yudhoyono receive award from Hong Kong? Because…..
a. He could broke new ground in their engagement with stakeholders
b. He was able to communicate with other country
c. He was able to organize a political
d. He is president of Indonesia
e. He is a leader of Democratic Party
32. …….had broken new ground in their engagement with stakeholders.
The underlined word is the same as…….
a. agreement
b. commitment
c. adjustment
d. environment
e. arrangement

Like everyone else, I am totally convinced that my Uncle Junwei is a fussy, old man. He is an educated man, though. He speaks English and Mandarin fluently.
One day, Uncle Wei, as he called, bought a jar of preserved strawberries. On reaching home, he went into the kitchen and began counting the strawberries in the jar very carefully. Later, we came to hear that Uncle Wei complained to the store that there were only nine strawberries in the jar which could have easily held twelve.
Once, he complained to the chef of a leading hotel that the sausages he ordered had been carelessly grilled. They were too brown on one side and too white on the other. He invited the chef to eat the sausages himself.
We had a Christmas party last year. Uncle Wei came commented that mother was tidily dressed for the occasion and wished that Auntie Wei would learn how to dress that way. Aunti Wei, of course, glared at him and curtly ordered him to behave himself. When he noticed how short my mini-skirt was, old fashioned Uncle Wei looked at me disapprovingly but said nothing. Notwithstanding all his quirks, Uncle Wei is really a nice man. Auntie Wei has always admitted quietly that if she had another chance to choose a husband, she would choose fussy, old Wei all over again!
(Adopted from Proficiency In English for Secondary)

33. Who would learn how to dress tidily?
a. Uncle Wei
b. The writer
c. Auntie Wei
d. The chef
e. The man
34 .The following statements are true based on the text, except,…
a. Uncle Wei came commented that mother was tidily dressed for the event
b. They were too brown on one side and so white on the other.
c. Auntie Wei has always denied quietly that if she had another chance to choose a husband .
d. Uncle Wei complained to the store that there were only nine strawberries in the pot
e. He invited the cook to eat the sausages himself.
35. Why did auntie Wei choose old Wei if she had another chance? Because….
a. He is a sloppy man
b. He is a careless man
c. He is a pleasant man
d. He is a causal man
e. He is a hasty man
36. …always admitted quietly that if she had another chance to choose a husband, she would choose fussy, The antonym of the underlined word is…
a. Briefly
b. Politely
c. Soundly
d. Lonely
e. Privately

Sea lions are sea-mammals and are warm-blooded. They breathe air with their lungs. The scientific name for the family they belong to is Neophoco Cinerea (Nee-o-fo-ka Sin-er-ee-a)
Australian sea lions are about 250 cms long. Adult males (called bulls) grow to about 3 metres and are the largest Australian mammal (they no longer breed in australia). The female sea lions are always smaller than the bulls in length and weight. Australian sea lions have a body shaped for slipping smoothly through the water and a thick layer of fat underneath their skin. They have large nostrils, long, sharp teeth and two pairs of short legs with the five-toed feet flattened like paddles or fins.
When Australian sea-lion pups are born they feed on their mother’s milk. Sea lions have to come on dry land when they mate and have babies. Bull sea lions are big and dark and they mate with lots of females. If a baby pup goes near a bull, the bull will kill it. When the pup is trying to look for its mother, no other sea lion will feed it. If it can’t find its mother, it will starve.
Australian sea lions are found along the South-Western shores of west Australian and most of the south Australian coastline and off-shores island. Sea lions eat fish and squid.

37. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. the family of sea lions
b. the size of sea lions
c. the pups of sea lions
d. the origin of sea lion
e. the food of sea lions
38. When a pup can’t find its mother, what will happen to it?
a. it will feed on other female sea lion
b. other sea lion will take care of it
c. other sea lions will feed it
d. it will get starve
e. its father will feed it
39. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to describe sea lions
b. to describe sea lions’ habitat
c. to explain sea lions’ pups
d. to retell the events of sea lions’ life
e. to inform the readers about sea lions’family

Sea World in Ancol Dreamland is a place where many kinds of fish are kept in captivity. It is designed similar to the real underwater life. There are big and small fish, and beautiful corals. People can come and see them there. The fish swim to and from in aquarium as big as volleyball court. Some people enjoy seeing the fish and they think that it is important to keep some kind of fish in captivity so that they we can study and find out about them. They can see underwater life without diving into the sea.
Sea World Indonesia is divided into two worlds, fresh water and salt water. In the fresh section, you can out about ecosystem, South American fish, baby crocodiles and giant robber crabs. Salt water consists of a special appearance thank (dugong), jelly fish, coral reef, miniature corals, many kinds of fish, dangerous sea creatures, the underwater world and much more.

40. What is the topic of the text ?
a. The activities of Sea underwater.
b. The size of the aquarium of Sea World.
c. The two worlds of Sea World Indonesia.
d. The characteristics of Sea World Indonesia.
e. The facilities of Sea World Indonesia.
41. “……..where many kinds of fish are kept in captivity.” (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word is the same as ……..
a. Detention
b. Livestock
c. Union
d. Offshore
e. Shrub
42. Which of the following statement is true based on the text?
a. Sea World is designed different to the real water life
b. We can see underwater life without diving into the sea.
c. The fish swim to and from in aquarium as big as football court.
d. Miniature corals do not belong to Salt water creatures.
e. We can’t study and find out about some kind of fish in Sea World.

A lot of people, especially teenagers, who do not smoke, always want to try smoking. They know it is bad for them and all, but it is just something they want to try. So they ask one of their smoker friends for a cigarette. Admittedly, they firstly can not light it on their own so they ask his friend to do it. Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke occasionally.
Apparently that makes them the born smokers. Now they do smoke fairly regularly. They can not avoid smoking and they enjoy too. They have smoker friends. Everyday they bring a pack in their pocket. For them, a pack of cigarette is as important as a wallet for their money.
Suddenly, for certain reason, they realize the fact that tobacco is the cause of a long list of nasty diseases. It is not only heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease but also bladder, lung, and pancreatic cancer. Even it was reported that around 400,000 Americans died each year. It was one every 80 seconds from tobacco-related illnesses.
Then they decide it is stupid to harm selves. They want to quit smoking. Unfortunately, they find that quitting smoking is so difficult. “Why can’t I stop smoking? I really want to stop it”. It is hard to quit because nicotine is powerfully addictive. Cigarette is one of the most efficient drug-delivery devices ever devised. As result, when people try to quit smoking, they often experience classic nicotine withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, headache, depression, and restlessness.
Well, still want to try smoke? Think the facts before trying! If you are not smoker, you should never and never try to smoke.

43. The text is about the reasons why ….
a. A lot of people should try to smoke.
b. A lot of people know smoking is bad.
c. People should try to smoke.
d. People should never try to smoke.
e. People should never avoid smoking.
44. What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?
a. To explain the bad effect of smoking.
b. To tell the readers about the writer’s hobby.
c. To persuade the readers not to try to smoke.
d. To persuade the readers that smoking is bad.
e. To inform the readers the disadvantages of smoking.
45. “Then they inhale that cigarette and smoke occasionally. “
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
a. sometimes
b. often
c. seldom
d. usually
e. always

After Facebook, NU targets mobile phone calls between sexes
Many have been shocked to learn that 1,700 Muslim clerics of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) have issued an edict banning communication between sexes using mobile phones, and online social networks such as Facebook.
For Jani Sularto, her Black Berry is an essential part of keeping connected with business partners because they are overseas.
However, NU spokesman, Abdul Muid Sohib said that NU has banned social networking such Facebook, F riendster and others because they are not used to spread Islamic teachings, but for gossiping.
Even I am a Moslem I do not agree to the idea of banding online social networking communication since it all depends on individuals.

46. What is the topic of the text?
a. Using Facebook for communication.
b. Using Black Berry to contact friends.
c. Avoiding communication between sexes
d. Banning online social network between sexes
e. Banning to make friends between sexes
47. “… is an essential part of keeping …” (P.2)
The underlined word has the same meaning to ….
a. main
b. important
c. serious
d. practical
e. crucial
48. Why does Jani need online social networks?
a. Her business partners come from overseas
b. She wants to have friends and partners
c. Her business partner frequently contact her
d. Her business partners can be called through Black Berry
e. She is a business lady who needs to contact her colleagues
49. What is the message about?
a. Mike doesn’t like his lap top.
b. Mike’s lap top is broken now.
c. Mike asks Brenda to repair his lap top.
d. Mike found many viruses in his documents
e. Mike gives Brenda a memo.
50. “Please help me to repair it.” (2nd line)
The underlined word refers to ….
a. viruses
b. documents
c. lap top
d. computer
e. broken

Kunci jawaban Pra uan 1 2008
Listening section
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. E
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. D Reading section
Listening section
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. E
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. D Reading section

Part I
Questions 1 to 5
Direction :
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you listen to a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear
Man : Sally, I lost my wallet. May I borrow fifty thousand rupiahs?
Woman : Sure. Here you are.
You will also hear
Narrator : What will the woman do?
You will read in your test book
a. Leave the man alone.
b. Drime the man home.
c. Find the lost wallet.
d. Lend the man money.
e. Borrow the man’s wallet.

The best answer to the question is “ Lend the man money”. Therefore, you should choose answer (d)
1. Woman : George, why were you late for the English class this morning?
Man : Sorry, ma’am. I overslept and missed the bus.
Woman : Okay. Don’t do it anymore, will you?
Man : I promise I won’t, ma’am.
Narrator : What are they talking about?
2. Man : Which house, ma’am?
Woman : It’s the house next to the blue one on the left. Yes, that’s it.
How much will that be?
Man : The fare is on the meter.
Narrator : Who are talking?
3. Woman : Have you studied the fifth chapter? Look! Most of your answers are
Man : I have. But I couldn’t find the right answers. If I had known them well, I
wouldn’t have given the wrong ones.
Narrator : Why didn’t the man do well in the test?
4. Man : I’d like a double room for two nights, please.
Woman : Yes, Would you like a king or two double beds?
Man : Two double, please.
Narrator : How long will the man spend the night?
5. Woman : What would you recommend us for the main course?
Man : The tender loin steak is very delicious, Ma’am. We have a special recipe
that you’ll never find in any other places.
Woman : Really? Okay, give us two of those, please.
Narrator : Which picture goes with the dialogue?
Part II
Question 6 to 10
Directions :
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and a question spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogue and question and the response will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each statement or question.
Now listen to a sample question :
Man : I got a bad result in my test.
Woman : What! You failed again?
Man : …………………………
e. Let me try again.
f. I am fine thank you.
g. Don’t worry. I’ll move.
h. Sorry, I’ve disappointed you.
Narrator : The best answer to the question “You failed again?” is choice D. “Sorry, I’ve disappointed you.” Therefore you should choose answer (D)
6. Man : Gosh! I forgot to bring my helmet. I’ve got to go out somewhere for a
while. Is it okay if I use your helmet?
Woman : …………………………………………
a. I know how you feel. c. That’s great!
b. What a bad luck! d. Sure. Go ahead.
7. Woman : You looked so upset this morning. Do you want to tell me about it?
Man : Dina really made me mad. She tore one page of my magazine.
Woman : …………………………………………..
a. I feel sorry for her. c. How lucky you are!
b. That would be a great fun. d. That’s too bad.
8. Man : Have you read the new series of Harry Potter?
Woman : Yes, I have.
Man : It’s really interesting. Do you like it?
Woman : ………………………………….
a. Well, I’m not very fond of it. c. That’s a funny thing.
b. Yes, reading is my hobby. d. Oh, poor Harry. What happened to him?
9. Woman : Hey, I am celebrating my graduation in my house tonight. Would you like to
join with us? Please do come at 7.
Man : ……………………………………………
a. Will you let me in? c. Thanks for visiting me.
b. Do you mind if I smoke? d. That would be lovely. Thank you.
10. Woman : Excuse me, Sir. Are you pleased with my progress recently? I have done
my best so far.
Man : ……………………………………………
a. I will be alright. c. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.
b. Oh, you must be very upset. d. Well, I find it very satisfying.
Part III
Questions 11 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Question 11 is based on this monologue
My name is Tom Sawyer. I’m 45 years old. I work for a housing construction in a big town. I have been working there for almost 20 years. They pay me every week. I take my wages at home at the week end. My work is very hard but I don’t earn much from it.
11. Which picture best describes the man’s job?
Questions 12 and 13 are based on the following talk.
Good morning, listeners, you’re still with me, Mutia Hafids of 65, 77 FM RAMA radio station. You are listening BREAKING NEWS program. The first news is from SUBANG JAYA, Malaysia. Three men, including one who fired a warning shot with his gun, ran into a jewellery shop but left empty-handed. One of the men broke the display cabinet with an axe but was not able to take the jewellery because the display cabinet was fixed with grilles. Subang Jaya Police Assistant Commissioner Zainal Rashid said the three men wore full face helmets and rushed into the premises at about 12.40 pm yesterday.
“When the alarm started blasting, they fled on two motorcycles, “ he said. There were four people in the shop, including two customers, but they were unhurt.
12. When did the robbery take place?
13. How did the robbers feel when they failed the robbery?
Questions 14 and 15 are based on the following monologue.
One day, Sam was on his way home from playing games at school. He was feeling very happy as his team had won the football match. He passed by an orchard and he noticed a little girl playing by herself under a tree. Suddenly, Sam saw a black scorpion moving towards the little girl. He quickly grabbed a stone, hit the scorpion and killed it. The little girl started to cry, so Sam tried to comfort her. Then, he decided to take her home. The girl’s parents were happy to see their daughter safe. They thanked Sam for his help. Sam felt very happy as he had been able to do a good deed that day.
Narrator : Question 14 – How did Sam kill the scorpion?
Question 15 – Where did the little girl play?

Soal Try Out UN Bahasa Inggris TA 2012/2013

Soal Try Out UN


Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan huruf a, b, c, d atau e pada lembar jawab computer yang tersedia.
Listening Section
Listening script
1. Man : Have you heard about the earthquake in Padang? It’s really terrible. A lot of people lost their lives and properties. So many buildings are severely damaged.
Woman : I have. And I feel so sorry about it, but I haven’t got any news from my relatives who live there.
Narrator : What are the speakers talking about?
a. The disaster in Padang
b. The woman’s relatives in Padang
c. The news on television
d. The woman’s health
e. The woman’s feeling
Kunci jawaban : a
2. Man : Nina, I didn’t see you in the meeting yesterday. The headmaster was looking for you. What’s wrong with you?
Woman : Frankly saying, I had to accompany my mom to see a doctor.
Narrator : Why didn’t the woman attend the meeting?
a. She met the headmaster.
b. She helped the headmaster.
c. She helped her mother at home.
d. She had problem with her health.
e. She went to a doctor with her mother.
Kunci jawaban : e
3. Man : I’m sorry. I don’t think we can continue working on this project.
Woman : Why not?
Man : We lost all the important data.
Woman : How come?
Man : I may have dropped the flash disc on my way home.
Woman : How unlucky we are!
Narrator : Why couldn’t they continue working on the project?
a. The project was not important.
b. The data was not necessary.
c. They lost the flash disc.
d. The man dropped by the woman’s house.
e. The woman took the important project over.
Kunci jawaban : c
4. Woman : You’ll get a promotion to be the sales manager for our new office in Medan. Is that true?
Man : Yes, that’s right.
Narrator What is the best response for the dialog?
a. Shame on you.
b. Congratulation. You deserve it.
c. Are you really sure about it?
d. That’s really embarrassing.
e. I am sorry to hear that.
Kunci jawaban : b
5. Woman : Do you know the students wearing batik over there?
Man : I do. They are the new students in our school. How do you like their new uniform?
Narrator : What is the best response for the dialog?
a. I really like it.
b. I’m certain about it.
c. I’m very pleased about it.
d. I really apologize for it.
e. I’m sorry about it.
Kunci jawaban : a
6. Man : I’ve got two free tickets for “Peterpan” show tonight. Would you like to come with me?
Woman : ….
a. I don’t know about it.
b. I’d love to, but I’m sorry I can’t.
c. I don’t think you’re serious about it.
d. How kind you are.
e. That’s terrible.
Kunci jawaban : b
7. Woman : Dad, Julie is celebrating her birthday tonight. Is it okay if I go home late?
Man : ….
a. What a pity!
b. What a nice present.
c. You are a good girl.
d. I’m happy to hear that.
e. That’s alright.
Kunci jawaban : e
8. Man : Excuse me, Ma’am. Do you mind if I leave the class earlier? There will be a meeting on the school anniversary.
Woman : …
a. You really make me angry.
b. Promise me you’ll attend the meeting.
c. Okay. I’ll leave the class now.
d. I’m afraid you can’t.
e. I’m sorry I can’t.
Kunci jawaban : d
9. Man : You look so happy today. Any good news to share?
Woman : I’ve just got news that our branch office in Semarang is expanding a lot.
Man : ….
a. I’m really satisfied.
b. I’m sorry to hear that.
c. I apologize for that.
d. It’s really disappointing.
e. It’s not as good as I thought.
Kunci jawaban : a
10. Woman : Ben, can you guess what kind of sport my daughter likes?
Man : Give me some clues about it.
Woman : Okay. The players throw soccer balls into baskets. To score points, players must get a ball through a high basket rim, or hoop.
Narrator : Which picture goes with the dialog?
a b c
d e
These animals are small insects that live all over the world. They are social insects, which mean they live in colonies, or groups, that range in size from a few dozen to more than 1 million. They search for food among blades of grass.
They eat insects that they catch with their spring-loaded jaws. After catching the insects, they inject them with poison to stop them from moving.
 Which animal is described in the monolog?
a b
c d e

A food chain is the way energy goes from one living thing to another through food. Plants are the first step in most food chains. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food. Plants store the energy in their leaves and stems. Plants are called primary producers in food chains. Animals eat the plants that use the Sun’s energy to grow. Animals are called consumers. Animals that eat plants are primary consumers. Animals that eat other animals are secondary consumers. Animals store the energy in their bodies. Energy flows from plants to bigger and bigger animals through the steps of eating and being eaten. Each part of the food chain is directly connected to the other, just like the links in a chain.
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12. What is the man talking about?
a. primary producers
b. food chain process.
c. energy transformation
d. food for all living things
e. Energy stored in animals
13.What do we call animals that eat plants?
a. third producer
b. primary producers
c. secondary producers
d. primary consumers
e. secondary consumers

It’s 31 December – New Year’s eve. All over Britain, people are having parties, sometimes in their homes, sometimes out in the street. Ten seconds before midnight, the countdown begins:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 …Happy New Year! Fireworks go off, and people kiss and stand in a circle to sing the old Scottish song Auld Lang Syne. They often keep up the celebration until dawn.
Also at this time, people often begin to think about the year that is just starting. They think about the changes they’re going to make and the things they are going to do in the new year. They make promises to themselves, called resolutions.

14. When do people kiss and stand in circle to sing?
a. Few minutes before dawn
b. Ten seconds after midnight
c. Ten seconds before midnight
d. Before the fireworks go off
e. After the fireworks explode
15. What do the people think about the New Year’s celebration?
a. It’s okay but they have to promise to be better.
b. It’s really boring and they didn’t enjoy it.
c. It’s very annoying but they like it.
d. It’s not interesting at all.
e. It’s cool and they love it.

In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogs and questions spoken in English. The questions and the dialogs will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. After you listen to a dialog and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear:
Man : Sally, I lost my wallet. May I borrow fifteen thousand rupiahs?
Woman : Sure. Here you are.
Narrator: You will also hear: What will the woman do?
You will read in your test book:
a. Leave the man alone
b. Drive the man home
c. Find the lost wallet
d. Lend the man money
e. Borrow the man’s wallet
The best answer to the question is “Lend the man money.” Therefore, you should choose answer (D)
f. The disaster in Padang
g. The woman’s relatives in Padang
h. The news on television
i. The woman’s health
j. The woman’s feeling
f. She met the headmaster.
g. She helped the headmaster.
h. She helped her mother at home.
i. She had problem with her health.
j. She went to a doctor with her mother.
f. The project was not important.
g. They didn’t have important data.
h. They lost their important data.
i. The man got a car accident on the way.
j. Someone took the important project over.
f. Shame on you.
g. Congratulation. You deserve it.
h. Are you really sure about it?
i. That’s really embarrassing.
j. I am sorry to hear that.
f. I really like it.
g. I’m certain about it.
h. I’m very pleased about it.
i. I really apologize for it.
j. I’m sorry about it.

Question 6 – 10
In this part of the test you will hear some dialogs and a question spoken in English, followed by four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogs and question and responses will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question:
Man : I got a bad result in my test.
Woman : What! You failed again?
Man : ……….
A. Let me try again.
B. I am fine, thank you.
C. Don’t worry, I’ll move.
D. Sorry, I’ve disappointed you

Narrator : The best answer to the question “You failed again?” is choice D. “Sorry, I’ve disappointed you.” Therefore, you should choose answer (D)
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Question 11 – 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologs. Each monolog will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you hear a monolog and a question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

a. b. c.
d. e.
12.. a. Grandfather’s birthday party
b. The preparation of grandfather’s birthday party
c. A lot of things to do after the birthday party
d. How to decorate the house for a party
e. How to play computer games
a. 40 years old
b. 50 years old
c. 56 years old
d. 60 years old
e. 70 years old
a. Few minutes before dawn
b. Ten seconds after midnight
c. Ten seconds before midnight
d. Before the fireworks go off
e. After the fireworks explode
a. It’s okay but they have to promise to be better.
b. It’s really boring and they didn’t enjoy it.
c. It’s very annoying but they like it.
d. It’s not interesting at all.
e. It’s cool and they love it.
This is the end of the listening section.
Text 1
The following text is for questions 16 to 18
16. What is the announcement about?
a. The property investors
b. Australian developers
c. Investment property
d. Balinese investor
e. Investors
17. How long will that event be held?
a. one day
b. two days
c. three days
d. four days
e. five days
18. Who is this announcement addressed to?
a. investors
b. developers
c. only Australians
d. only Balinese
e. Anyone who wants to attend the meeting.
65 Market Street

Val Haven, CT 95135
June 30, 2004
Customer Service
Cool Sports, LLC
8423 Green Terrace Road
Asterville, WA 65435
Dear Sir or Madam:
I have recently ordered a new pair of soccer cleats (item #6542951) from your website on June 21. I received the order on June 26. Unfortunately, when I opened it I saw that the cleats were used. The cleats had dirt all over it and there was a small tear in front of the part where the left toe would go. My order number is AF26168156.
To resolve the problem, I would like you to credit my account for the amount charged for my cleats, I have already went out and bought a new pair of cleats at my local sporting goods store so sending another would result in me having two pairs of the same cleats.
Than you for taking the time to read this letter. I have been a satisfied customer of your company for many years and this is the first time I have encountered a problem. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at (555) 555-5555.
Ken Thomas

19. What is the letter about?
a. A complain about the soccer cleats order
b. Disagreement of buying the soccer cleats
c. Advertisement of the soccer cleats
d. Customer satisfaction of the order
e. A new pair of shoes
20. “If you need to contact me, you can reach me at (555) 555-5555.” (3rd paragraph)
The underlined word means … .
a. get
b. put
c. take
d. call
e. find
21. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. to praise their service
b. to return the soccer cleats
c. to ask for the money back
d. to change the soccer cleats delivery
e. to express his pleasure with the company
Text 3 is for 22 to 24
22. The International Standard school is looking for a person who is qualified in … .
a. being a manager
b. teaching English
c. managing the school
d. making an International school
e. helping the principal to manage the school
23. What do we usually call that kind of text above?
a. Education
b. Furniture
c. Property
d. Job Vacancy
e. Travel Vacancy
24. The word requirements can be replaced with … .
a. profession
b. occupation
c. qualification
d. interpretation
e. administration

Text 4 is for 25 to 29
One day, Abu Ali went to the fair, and bought nine donkeys. He rode home on one of them and the rest of my donkeys followed behind.
After a while Abu Ali said to himself, “I must make sure that all my donkeys are here,” and he turned round to count item.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, Oh! Where’s number nine?” Abu cried. He jumped down from his donkey. He looked behind the rocks and behind the trees. But there was no donkey to be seen.
“I’ll count them again,” Abu Ali said. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Oh, he must come back.”
Abu Ali climbed back onto the donkey and trotted away.
After a while he counted his donkeys again. He counted only eight! Once more he looked behind the rocks and behind the trees. But there was no donkey to be seen. “I will count again,” he said, and this time there were nine.
Just then Abu Ali saw his Musa walking along the road. “Musa,” he called. “Help me to count my donkeys.” I keep losing one. When I stop to count I have only eight, but when I get down to look for the ninth, there he is again!”
“Well, I can see ten donkeys, Abu Ali,” laughed Musa.
“Ten? How can I you see ten?” asked Abu Ali.
“I can see the donkey you are sitting on and I see eight donkeys behind you.” said Musa.
“Of course!” cried Abu Ali. “How silly of me, but where is the tenth donkey?”
“He is sitting on the top of the ninth donkey,” said Musa. “And his name is Abu Ali.”

25. What is the text about?
a. The number of Abu Ali’s donkeys.
b. The day went Abu Ali went to a fair.
c. The way Musa helps Abu Ali to count his donkey.
d. The silliness of Abu Ali in counting his donkeys.
e. The place where Abu Ali stopped to count his donkeys.
26. Why did Abu Ali keep losing the ninth donkey?
a. Because he was careless.
b. Because he was sitting on it.
c. Because he could not count correctly.
d. Because the donkey was hiding.
e. Because he was not helped by Musa.
27. What did Musa mean by mentioning the tenth donkey?
a. Abu Ali’s new donkey
b. He doesn’t mean anything.
c. Abu Ali is too old to be a donkey.
d. Musa was only helping Abu Ali to count the donkeys.
e. Musa implied that Abu Ali is as silly as donkey.
28. What is the main idea of paragraph 8?
a. Abu Ali bought nine donkeys at the fair.
b. Musa saw Abu Ali counted his donkeys.
c. Abu Ali turned round to count his donkeys.
d. Abu Ali asked Musa to help him to count his donkeys.
e. Musa was walking on the road when Abu Ali rode his donkeys.
29. What is the moral value of the text above?
a. We should not sit on a donkey when counting.
b. We often cannot see our own mistake.
c. We need to ask a friend for help.
d. We should make sure the value of our belongings.
e. We like laughing at each other.

Text 5 is for 30 to 32
IDs ‘should be enough to get health services’
The Jakarta Post , Jakarta
Poor people should be able to immediately access health services by only showing their identity cards, once executing agencies are set up, activists say.
The government plans to set up the National Social Security Agency (BPJS) in line with the 2004 Social Security Law, and the Hospital Monitoring Agency (BPRS), based on the 2009 Hospital Law.
Usman Soemantri, the Health Ministry’s head of health security, said Monday that establishing the monitoring and executing agencies required extensive processes.
“First, you need regulations to establish a monitoring body, and once they are established, it does not guarantee that all the problems will be solved.”
Febri Hendri, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW)’s senior researcher, said the government should establish the agencies soon.
“The BPJS will hopefully ensure that people, especially the poor, will not have to be hassled with administrative procedures or be forced to borrow money for medical treatments,” he said Monday during a meeting with Health Ministry officials in South Jakarta.
The government is using the Jamkesmas health insurance scheme to provide health services for the poor. Those with Jamkesmas cards are exempted from any payments at state-owned hospitals and partnering private hospitals.
ICW’s Ratna Kusumaningsih said despite promises of wide access to health services there were still people who asked to pay for treatment even if they were using the Jamkesmas.
The meeting’s participants that day included two poor Tangerang residents, Aswanah and Amsiah, who claimed government hospitals had treatedly them unfairly.
Aswanah was charged Rp 10 million (US$1,000), half the full price, for an eye operation, despite having a Jamkesmas card.
Amsiah, who is suffering from an unidentified growth on her stomach, said although she did not have a Jamkesmas card, she tried to obtain documents to help ease the bills.
However, when asking for assistance from the local health agency, she was allegedly told she had to be hospitalized first before requesting a price cut, while she was afraid of being asked for payment in advance.
“The hospital said I should consult my family when I told them I didn’t have any money… I can’t work [with this disease].”
According to last year’s Citizen Report Card survey by ICW, there were 13 hospitals in Greater Jakarta that discriminate against patients who used health insurance systems or those that refused to allow patients to return home before paying their bills.
Another official, Chalik Masulili, said by 2012 patients should only have to show their single identity numbers to access health services.
But he said covering single identity numbers for all Indonesians took time, and the process might be finished by 2012. (dis)

30. The text is about … .
a. The government program
b. The Jamkesmas program
c. The medical treatment for society
d. The health insurance systems
e. The government plan for the poor
31. The following statement is not true according to the text.
a. The society needs regulations to establish a monitoring body.
b. The government provides health services for the poor society.
c. The poor society is asked to pay the service treatment at hospital.
d. The patients only have to show the Jamkesmas card to access the health service.
e. The government plans to set up the National Social Secretary Agency in 2004.
32. “First, you need regulations to establish a monitoring body …”
The underlined word means … .
a. get
b. hope
c. want
d. ask for
e. require

Text 5 is for 33 to 35
One Saturday last June, just two days after my high school graduation, a night of celebration turned into a costly and embarrassing lesson on the dangers of drinking and driving. Out with a girlfriend for a wild night on the town, we made stops at such popular hangouts as Studebaker’s, Baggy Drawers, and Night Lights, and at each of these spots I drank a margarita or two. (Yes, I had a fake ID.)
I was giggly by 11:00, tipsy by midnight, and flat out soused by the time we shut the bars down at three. Of course, as I hollered farewells to my friends and poured myself into the car, I was dead certain that I was sober enough to drive home safely. With one eye shut to keep the road from blurring, I weaved down Monroe Avenue. One minute there was not a soul on the road in front of me, and the next–crash! I had plowed into a big green Buick.
When the police arrived–instantly, it seemed–they gave me a breath test even before asking to see my license. Naturally I registered drunk. After filling out pages of forms and checking to see that no one was injured, the police took me to jail, where I was photographed, fingerprinted, and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). I had to pay a $2,000 fine and attend driving school for three months.
It was there, viewing gory films of accident victims with their bodies crunched under tires and heads wrapped inside bumpers, that I resolved not to drive while intoxicated ever again.”

33. Whom did the writer go out with?
a. the writer’s teacher
b. the writer’s friend
c. the writer’s girlfriend
d. the writer’s family
e. the writer’s sister
34. The writer was embarrassed because … .
a. He celebrated his school graduation.
b. He stopped at a popular hangout, Studebaker’s.
c. He drove home safely.
d. The police took him to jail.
e. He was on the dangers of drinking and driving.
35. According to the story which statement is true.
a. The writer was not ashamed.
b. He didn’t go out with his friends.
c. The police asked for his driving license.
d. He went out in the afternoon.
e. He celebrated his high school graduation on Monday last June.
36. “we shut down at three.”
The antonym of the underlined word is … .
a. opened
b. looked
c. closed
d. kept
e. came

The following text is for question 37 to 39
Penguins live in south equator in the Southern Hemisphere. Some penguins live on the ice of Antarctic. All penguins are mainly black and white. Some penguins are bigger than others.
The emperor penguin is the biggest. It is three feet tall. It lays eggs on the ice at the beginning of the Antarctic winter. The weather is severe. Temperatures are below freezing. Snow and hurricane are blow across the ice. There is no food.
The male penguins stand over the eggs for 60 days keep them warm. During this time, they lose half their body weight. After the chicks hatch, only one chick in five survives.
Emperor penguins are good swimmer. They can dive almost 900 feet below the water. They can stay underwater for nine minutes.

37. Where do the penguins live?
a. in south equator in the Southern Hemisphere
b. in equator
c. in the deep of the river
d. in the floating ice
e. in the warm water
38. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. Where the Penguins live.
b. How the penguins survive.
c. How the penguins breed.
d. Kinds of penguins live on the Antarctic.
e. Kinds of food the penguins have.
39. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe penguins’ life
b. to explain how the penguins breed
c. to inform the readers about the life of water animals
d. to entertain the readers with life story of penguins
e. to tell where penguins live

The following text is for questions 40 to 42
Doraemon is one of the characters in a Japanese manga series created by Fujiko Fujio. Doraemon is a robotic cat. He has small body and white hands and feet. Althogh he can hear perfectly well, Doraemon has no ears.
Doraemon posesses a large pocket that can produce many gadgets from the future. The pockets is called Yojigen-pocket or forth-dimencioanal pocket. Doraemon’s favourite food is Dorayaki, a Japanase treat filled with red bean paste.
The robotic cat has the tendency to panic during emergencies. In an emergency situation he will frantically pull out every unnecessary gadget from his pocket. Nevertheless, doraemon is a good cat. He always help Nobita.

40. What does the text mainly talk about?
a. Doraemon
b. Fujiko Fujio
c. robotic cats
d. Japanese
e. Nobita
41. ”… he will frantically pull out every unnecessary gadget from his pocket.”
The underlined word means ….
a. carefully
b. calmly
c. friendly
d. happily
e. worriedly
42. Which of the following statement is true based on the text?
a. Doraemon is the only robotic character in Japanese manga series.
b. Doraemon has small ears and white hands and feet.
c. Doraemon does not have a pocket that produces many gadgets.
d. Nobita is never helped by Doraemon.
e. The weakness of Doraemon is getting panic in emergency.

The following text is for questions 40 to 42
Homeless: What Can Be Done?
Today homeless people are not easy to ignore. They are everywhere- in large and small cities, all over the world. According to the United Nations, there are over 100 million homeless people worldwide.
What are the causes of homeless? For some, it’s simply a lack of affordable housing. Many or homeless have lost their jobs and poor. Many other have problems with drugs or alcohol. Some have left home because the conditions there were so bad. Others are mentally ill, discharged from hospital with nowhere to go. They have no family and no one they can turn to.
What can be done? The most promising suggestions are those will attack the problem that made people homeless in the first place. Firstly, government can put more money into building low-cost housing. Secondly, mentally ills need special places to live, with supervision, like group homes. Furthermore, people with addictions need places where they can be helped to overcome them. Last but not least, job training may help some people to get new skills and find work. Finally, these suggestions cost money, which cities are hard pressed to come up with as they try to cope with new waves of homelessness. Therefore, the government should take a firm action to reach an end to this program. (Adapted from

43. What is the text about?
a. Homeless is a lack of affordable housing
b. Homeless is everywhere-in a large and small cities
c. Overcoming a problem of homeless is essential
d. Job training is essential to help homeless finding work
e. Places for homeless to overcome their addictions
44. The purpose of the text is to ….
a. entertain the readers with a story
b. present two points of view about an issue
c. persuade the readers that something should be the case
d. persuade the readers that something in the case
e. describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of steps
45. “…they try to cope with new waves of homelessness”
What do the underlined words mean?
a. to end
b. to help
c. to handle
d. to suggest
e. to supervise

Loch Ness Monster: Real or Hoax?
The existence of the Loch Ness monster has been debated since centuries ago.
In my opinion, there is a great chance that the Loch Ness monster, often nicknamed Nessie does exist in Loch Ness, Scotland.
Many attempts to prove it, such as the famous expedition led by Dr. Robert Rines in the year 1972. He and his fellow scientists found recorded evidence using a sonar that something big indeed lives in the great loch. Many sightings by professionals that are unlikely to lie say that Nessie has the form of an aquatic animal much like the extinct plesiosaurus. Photographs of the monster has also been taken by people trying to find evidence, and many of this photographs has been proved real and not a hoax.
But unfortunately, not all of these evidence are authentic. Photographs, videos, even Nessie footprints has been faked. And until now, no one, not even scientists has come up with a carcass or live specimen of this creature. Until then, we may never be sure that a living creature the so called Loch Ness monster is really living in the loch.

46. The text tells us about … of the existence of the Loch Ness monster.
a. The negative side
b. The advantages
c. The disadvantages
d. The against argument
e. The controversy
47. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
a. The paragraph supports that the Loch Ness monster is real.
b. The paragraph supports that there is no evidence of the existence of the monster at all.
c. The paragraph argues that there isn’t enough evidence to prove the existence of Loch Ness monster.
d. The paragraph supports that there are many evidences to prove the existence of Loch Ness monster.
e. The paragraph argues that there is a living creature the so called Loch Ness monster in the loch.
48. Which of the following statement is not true according to the text?
Dear Fani,
I’m really sorry that I have to cancel our plan to visit the museum this weekend. There is something urgent. My mother has been hospitalized because of diabetes.
Perhaps we can rescheduled it. What about next week? Please let me know. Thank you.
49. What is the message about?
a. going to the hospital
b. leaving message
c. making appointment
d. planning to visit the museum
e. canceling the appointment
50. “Perhaps we can reschedule it.”
The word it refers to ….
a. the visit
b. the museum
c. the hospital
d. something urgent
e. a plan of visiting the museum
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